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Pepper Lunch ♥

Terima Kasih awk  sbb belanja Makan dekat Pepper Lunch sempena Hari Jadi sy ♥
walaupun sampai dua tiga kali kita masuk restaurant tuh dan bergaduh "sekejap jee gaduh" dan berkali-kali jgak laa kte tawaf satu Pavi tuh,maafkan sy yea inecik bkn selalu saya buat perangai mcm itu Hee. Ais krim awk sedap sy punya ais krim kureng sikit HAHA. Ouhhh yea Terima Kasih jgak dekat Mak sbb wish  Happy Belated Birthday to Me ♥
Posted by Sunday, July 17, 2011 8:47 PM with 0 notes | add more notes | TOP


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I'm Hashsayra
I born in a cencer life on 15th of July at Selangor.
I love my family and friends. I even love myself too.
Moreover, I interested on musician, fashion, photography, technology, and cute stuff for several times. There are my passion.?


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