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Happy Mother's Day 2011 ❤IBU❤

3 years old " Mommy, i LOVE you "
13 years old " Mom, whatever! "
16 years old " My mom is so annoying! "
18 years old " I wanna leave this house. "
25 years old " Mom, you were right "
30 years old " I want to go back to my Mom's house "
50 years old " I don't want to lose my mom. "
70 years old " I would give up EVERYTHING for my mom to be here..with me' "

I may not always say how thankful I am for all your efforts for me, but believe me mom I really thank you for everything. Thank You for being a part of my life !!!

Mom, you're irreplaceable !!!
i LOVE you !!!
Posted by Sunday, May 8, 2011 6:04 PM with 0 notes | add more notes | TOP


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I'm Hashsayra
I born in a cencer life on 15th of July at Selangor.
I love my family and friends. I even love myself too.
Moreover, I interested on musician, fashion, photography, technology, and cute stuff for several times. There are my passion.?


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