10.8.2011 ❤❤❤
Terima kasih jemput saya berbuka puasa bersama-sama Family awk :)
Masak bersama-sama,Ayam masak halia,ikan keli goreng sambal,pucuk paku masak lemak :)
Mak belikan agar-agar 3 jenis utk sy :) warna Hijau,Merah dan kuning dan ~
Awk beli caremel,Martabak Singapore n daging gulai kawah :)
Beg awk mcm poket Doremon smpi umh terus keluarkan mcm-mcm HAHA ~
e.g Payung,pinggan,cawan,tarmos,botol air :p
Thank You WVP 4852 hantar saya balik :)
10.8.2011 ❤❤❤
Terima kasih jemput saya berbuka puasa bersama-sama Family awk :)
Masak bersama-sama,Ayam masak halia,ikan keli goreng sambal,pucuk paku masak lemak :)
Mak belikan agar-agar 3 jenis utk sy :) warna Hijau,Merah dan kuning dan ~
Awk beli caremel,Martabak Singapore n daging gulai kawah :)
Beg awk mcm poket Doremon smpi umh terus keluarkan mcm-mcm HAHA ~
e.g Payung,pinggan,cawan,tarmos,botol air :p
Thank You WVP 4852 hantar saya balik :)
The girl
Hashsayra is a combination of my real name .Will going 19 soon on 15 july as a Cancer . A proud asian who living in Malaysia . Still studying in a private college . Loves hangout , watching movies and shopping :D
A very sensitive girl , crybaby , friendly , loyal and always expect a miracle to be happen . Cat lover as own one named Blanket ;) Rising to become a woman .
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saying bye for the ending day.
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I'm Hashsayra
I born in a cencer life on 15th of July at Selangor.
I love my family and friends. I even love myself too.
Moreover, I interested on musician, fashion, photography, technology, and cute stuff for several times. There are my passion.?
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